Measuring for a Headstall/Bridle
This page is under construction as I get measurements all marked down. In the meantime if you have a measuring question that is not listed here contact me for help.
SSC Custom headstalls can be made to fit just about any equine from mini to light draft.
When measurements are provided, this is how and where we measure.
SSC Custom headstalls can be made to fit just about any equine from mini to light draft.
When measurements are provided, this is how and where we measure.
A – The bit to bit or crownpiece measurement. We measure from the corner of the mouth on one side – up to the top of the poll (behind the ears on the head) - to the corner of the mouth on the other side and then subtract 1 to 3 inches on each side to account for the bit.
Note – you will need to remember that your bit is going to take up 1 to 3 inches on each side depending on what bit you use. (I suggest measuring your bit or an existing headstall adjusted to fit your horse for an accurate fit)
B – Noseband. The headstalls that we make do not have nosebands. We do carry nosebands and tie down straps that are used in addition to the headstall. The picture shows it a bit high on the head, it should be a tough lower.
C – Throatlatch – this is on all brow style headstalls (and the 2 ear with throat latch). You need to measure under the head and around behind the ears. Some horses and ponies are bigger around than others and may require a bigger throat-latch, just let us know, we can make one to suit your needs. Note: the image is not how we measure, I just need to make a new example picture when I get time.
D – Browband - Our measurements ONLY includes the measurement in FRONT of the crown piece. Take your measurement from the front side of the strap that makes the crown piece (line A) to the other side. We do not include the entire piece of leather as that varies too much. We feel just measuring the actual part that goes across the brow is the best way to give you an accurate measurement.
Note – you will need to remember that your bit is going to take up 1 to 3 inches on each side depending on what bit you use. (I suggest measuring your bit or an existing headstall adjusted to fit your horse for an accurate fit)
B – Noseband. The headstalls that we make do not have nosebands. We do carry nosebands and tie down straps that are used in addition to the headstall. The picture shows it a bit high on the head, it should be a tough lower.
C – Throatlatch – this is on all brow style headstalls (and the 2 ear with throat latch). You need to measure under the head and around behind the ears. Some horses and ponies are bigger around than others and may require a bigger throat-latch, just let us know, we can make one to suit your needs. Note: the image is not how we measure, I just need to make a new example picture when I get time.
D – Browband - Our measurements ONLY includes the measurement in FRONT of the crown piece. Take your measurement from the front side of the strap that makes the crown piece (line A) to the other side. We do not include the entire piece of leather as that varies too much. We feel just measuring the actual part that goes across the brow is the best way to give you an accurate measurement.
Standard horse: 42" to 36" Bit to bit (Browband 12" front of leather to front)
Cob/Arab: 38" to 32" Bit to bit (Browband 10.5" front of leather to front)
pony: 28" to 35” Bit to bit (Browband 10" to 9.5" front of leather to front)
Mini: 31" to 24" Bit to bit (Browband 9" to 9.5" front of leather to front)
Gag headstall: The cheek and crown pieces are shorter to accommodate the longer purchase of the gag bit. To decide whether you need a gag headstall or a standard headstall, measure the distance from the horse’s mouth to the top of the purchase. If it measures over 3-1/2" to 4", a gag headstall is recommended.
Cob/Arab: 38" to 32" Bit to bit (Browband 10.5" front of leather to front)
pony: 28" to 35” Bit to bit (Browband 10" to 9.5" front of leather to front)
Mini: 31" to 24" Bit to bit (Browband 9" to 9.5" front of leather to front)
Gag headstall: The cheek and crown pieces are shorter to accommodate the longer purchase of the gag bit. To decide whether you need a gag headstall or a standard headstall, measure the distance from the horse’s mouth to the top of the purchase. If it measures over 3-1/2" to 4", a gag headstall is recommended.